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Goodbye Muscle Pain, Hello Peak Performance!

Verna Lum

We specialize in Active Release Therapies that encompass Acupressure, Myofascial Release, and Cranial Sacral Alignment, which target common areas of soreness. These modalities are highly effective at loosening tight muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing tension and pain. Horses feel better and recover faster from injuries or training issues due to the resulting increase in circulation, nutrient delivery, and endorphin release, which promotes tissue regeneration and healing. Additionally, these therapies help cleanse or 'jump start' congested lymph nodes, reducing edema and improving the elimination of metabolic waste and lactic acid.

Say goodbye to muscle pain and hello to peak performance across all disciplines — whether you pleasure ride, trail ride, jump, hunt, barrel race, rein, work with cattle, or drive. We’ve got you covered!

Diverse Disciplines:



Verna Lum
(905) 691 - 9725
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