A Special Tribute to My Senior Horse Clients who consistently provide unquestionable loyalty to their owners. I am grateful for the opportunity to help all of you feel good and able to bring your best hoof forward!
24 yo Fabina , scoring 70% July 2022 after not showing for 8+ years! Way to go Bev and Fabina!

22 yo Cleo, coming out of retirement and earning either Champion or Reserve Champion with a new partner, Maila Little at the Angelstone Gold Show Series in Beginner's Children's

21 yo Cleo - Ann-Marie and Cleo consistently placing top 3 in the all around 13 & under classes from showmanship, horsemanship, western pleasure, HUS, HSE and trail.

31 yo Feline who can still do collective, canter half pass work and is a sheer joy and loved by Wendy Altwasser

26 yo Joey - "Joey and I were 2nd under both judges in SR western pleasure out of 8 horses. Beautiful ride from him, full drape on the reins, head down, slow flat deep legged rounded laid back lope! He was fantastic!
I think treatments are paying off!” – Sarah Cookson

24 yo Widget, through thick and thin, ice storm or hot sunny day, he will take Terri Davidson through trails!

25 yo Tex, bred and raised by Glenna Benson who was a top All Around Horse shown successfully by Glenna's daughter and Tex can still do a one stride lope off!

38 yo Alfred, just totally loved by Donna and Rory

31 yo Skippy, fully recovered from a serious shoulder injury, and totally loved by Vicki Cork
