Client Accomplishments

A stellar performance for Rafael! Double clear out of 36 in the Mini Grand Prix at Angelstone, Sept 18th! Well done! Sara Victoria
Another Personal Best Performance for client Anastasia Guerra Rodie and her Beautiful mare Zarah - 1st Place out of 79 competitors in 0.8M Jumper Classic at Angelstone. and qualifying for the 2019 Silver Series Championships

What a year!
Brian Machado and Marta Machado! This was Brian’s and Dino’s first year together and they achieved the 2021 Silver Year End Award - Level 1 Championship, Caledon Dressage Well done!
to Jackie Morrison and Rafael, In their first year at Prix St. George, Honoured with the 2021 Silver Year End Championship, Prix. St. George! Well Done!

What a weekend!
!st show of the Gold Series, Chester not only ended up winning in the divisional classes, but also earned Championship in their 1M Division
Three for Three! Congratulations Radcliffe Racing Stable, Three Consecutive Wins with Be The Change. 2014 Thoroughbred Gelding, running as well as he was as 3yo!

What a weekend!
!st show of the Gold Series, Geronimo not only ended up winning in the divisional classes, but also earned Championship in their .8M Division
Another great weekend! After recovery from a chronic shoulder and foot injury in 2020, This was Midnight Fox and Lex’s First outdoor show and after competing only twice at 0.9, Fox and 13 year old Lexi earned an outstanding Top 10 Medal Finish in Equitation 0.9 M. (finishing 8th in an all age field of 20) Congratulations Fox and Lexi! Your mom, Jen and coach Daisy Kosa are so proud of you!

What a great day at Woodbine Race Track for Ravendra Ragamuth! Classy and Silent had an impressive 4 length win over second place and she has been deemed to be one of the fastest mares at 5/8th at Woodbine and Fort Erie Race Tracks) this was from the announcer.
Orphan Haille had an impressive 2nd place finish by 0.05 seconds and Comander Tom also had an cose 2nd place finish by 0.07 seconds!
Well done Sheila Mohan and Ravendra Raghunath.
Congratulations Alison Jennings!
What a great way to start the Racing Season with your wins on opening Day May 31, with Express Banking 2016 mare and your 2nd win June 14th with Tycoon, 2018 gelding! I look forward to helping keep all your horses balanced and in top racing form!

Another Race Horse Win last week! Congratulations Alan Bird with your impressive win on June 14th with Summer Retreat. I am glad the body work is working for him and look forward to helping to keep him in top form.
Congratulations Maila Little and High Society on your Championship in Beginner Children’s Hunter last weekend at Caledon Equestrian Park Gold Show. Cleo is a 2005 Hannovarian mare, owned by Emma Shaen and she has made an incredible return to the show ring after some time off. Thank you Emma for letting me help keep Cleo in top form!

"Impressive Finish from Behind" Well Done Chance! This is a 2019 mare and after 3 body work sessions to free up her neck and back, she was able to power off of both hind legs, lengthening her stride to finish well in front after a last place start.
Thank you Michelle Papp for the opportunity to free up Blizzie’s back and hind end.
Blizzie is a 2014 QH mare who was competing this past weekend at the Ontario Paint show in the “Open” or All Breed Western Pleasure Stake Class”, scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Saturday night Michelle noticed some hind end soreness and Blizzie was not tracking up. Michelle was concerned and was going to scratch her classes and go home. Well……..after Blizzie’s treatment Saturday, this is the report from Michelle on Sunday morning.
“Blizzie is 120% sound today. Flying around the longeline, lol over tracking! I was not expecting this....Very good treatment!
Michelle was so happy with how well her mare was moving and she competed Sunday afternoon in a very deep open Western Pleasure Stake Class.

What a come back! After 2 years off recovering from a suspensory injury, Quite Frankly, 8 yo Hanoverian, loved by Emma Shaen had a stellar return to the Hunter Show Ring. These last two weeks Frank was Reserve Champion in Beginner Adult for both week one and week two!
August, Frank was Champion at the Gold Show and same day, Emma’s beloved 2005 Hannoverian Mare Cleo, also had another Reserve Championship in Beginner Children’s with Maila Little.
Thank you Emma for the great opportunity to help keep Frank and Cleo in fine competition form and best of luck in this year’s 2022 Ontario Hunter Championships!
Turn out is great, except when there is horseplay and mud!!!!
Donovan came in very body sore on Monday night. He had a very irritated Brachial Plexus impacting his front end and a tight pelvic girdle and lower back.
Look what happens the next day after freeing up his neck and lumbar back.
Thank you Katie Sormaz, for letting me help Donovan feel and move better!

78.33% and highest score at the MJM Dressage Show on April 2, 2023
Congratulations Lindsey Mouland and Flynn on your 1st show of the year! What an accomplishment especially after Lindsey had to heal from several broken bones, and an invasive surgery, as well as nursing Flynn back to health after a serious shoulder laceration in 2022.
You set the new standard of what Resilience and Determination means. Well done!, and thank you so very much for the opportunity to help Flynn feel and perform at his best.

Congratulations to young 14 year old Lexi Vinerskis who guided her Midnight Fox to a 6th place finish out of 22 in the Mini Grand Prix on Sat June 3. And.. the very next day a double clear in 1.0 M in the Classic! Your mom, Jennifer Christine is so proud of you!
Cranial Sacral Body Work for a Clydesdale mare with advanced body soreness from her prior life as a driving horse. Bellator had significant tension from poll to sacrum and her lymphatic system was very congested that she had a build up of edema and metabolic waste system wide. Look what happened after her treatment…

“Congratulations Gwen Cottle and Supersonic on your first year showing together at Training Level. Sonic consistently earned 68% scores in his debut year and was 2023 Champion at Caledon Dressage Silver Training Champs, and was the end of season Year End Winner- AA Silver Training Champion at Caledon Dressage as well.
Thank you Gwen Cottle for the opportunity to help Sonic feel and perform at his best. Sonic has been a regular client since October 2022 when the pair started training together!
Look what happens when you free up a back.
Better topline, Better connection and a Better Ride!
Thank you Kathy Adorjan for the opportunity to help you mare feel and perform better.
“I definitely felt an improvement in Torva's gait when I rode her after treatment! She was round up much better and not dropping her hip when cantering"